Urban Living Berlin
Urban Living Berlin
Urban Living Berlin
Urban Living Berlin
Urban Living Berlin
Urban Living Berlin
Urban Living Berlin

Urban Living Berlin

Cooperative Workshop on Innovative Housing Concepts
Senate Department for Urban Development
As architect at Jan Wiese Architekten
In collaboration with Jan Wiese, Kristina Szeifert, Julie Hoffmann, Dora Medveczky and Sven Hinrichs

The imminent demand for affordable housing in Berlin requires a rethinking of urban development strategies. Instead of simply adding to inner-city desity through urban infills and thus creating more top-of-the-end product, we think that upgrading and redefining the widely monostructural outer districts is a more promising approach to enhancing housing options for Berlin’s residents.

As participants of this international research workshop we hypothetically transformed a neighborhood in Berlin-Köpenick to illustrate the merits of that strategy. The introduction of new architectural typologies and customizable semi public spaces between and above the monothematic urban landscape creates additional living space and opportunities to combine housing, nature, work and social life.